16/02/2017. Love Yourself


Love yourself inside & out. Other peoples negative opionions dont matter as they are just shit & ash in the wind.
Fk what other people think of u.
Love yourself!
Don’t let the pricks get u down.

You are unique. Limited edition.
Stop second guessing yourself. Deep down you know what’s good & bad for you. Go with your gut feeling, if something doesn’t feel right it normally isn’t.

It’s your life so don’t let other people’s negative shit get to you don’t let their negative ash opinions wear you down.

Just be the best version of you that u can. U only get one life. No one’s getting out alive anyway xxxxx F**k the haters let them be your motivators! X


2 thoughts on “16/02/2017. Love Yourself

  1. Reblogged this on Write and Create (from Creative Writing Course) and commented:
    “Fall in love with yourself and ensure on life-long romance”??
    “One cannot always tell what it is that keeps us shut in, confines us, seems to bury us, but still one feels certain barriers, certain gates, certain walls. is all this imagination, fantasy? ….”



    Thanks for the follow (+ the ‘likes'(s)
    Happy blogging/writing and all the best with your blog
    “early bird sleepy-head” craig (in “Sleepy Hollow”)

    “It always seems impossible…
    until it gets done!”
    – Nelson Mandela
    You CAN…if you THINK you can

    “Put your fears behind you and your dreams in front of you…always.”

    Best wishes from the First City to see the light


    Don’t worry about the world ending today
    it’s already tomorrow in scenic and tranquil ‘little’ New Zealand


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