No Set Path Blog 09/06/2023

*I highly recommend Anastasia’s Evolution song. The song popped into my head just as I was finishing off the blog*.

Over the last few years since I started my Spiritual Awakening Evolutionary Journey.

The most profound thing I have come to learn is.

There is no straight/set path to 5D (the 5D New Earth Timeline).

Yes, you can sit & watch endless countless hours of Spiritual YouTube channels.

Yes, you can purchase & read numerous books.

Yes, you can purchase hundreds of crystals.

You can also attend various events & meet/make hundreds of new friends on your wavelength.

The most profound lesson (what is coming to me as I write this) is 5D begins at home.


Your Souls home.

Your thoughts.

Your feelings.

Your actions.

The words you Speak & how you Express yourself.

Everything you seek is deep within YOU.

Your Divine Blueprint.
Your Knowledge.
Your Divine Soul Contract.
Your Divine Gifts.
Your Divine Sovereignty.

You claim it.

Everything starts from within.

The behavioural cycles, the patterns, the mindset, the attitude, etc.


Metaphorically, imagine yourself as a plant.

Now imagine the water you’re about to water it.

Are you going to water it with love, light & kindness?.

Or are you going to water it with other people’s opinions/negative self talk?.

My point is, if you wouldn’t water a plant with bad vibes, why are/would you do it to yourself???.

I say this because I know how it feels to not think yourself worthy of happiness/love/self acceptance. Even now I still find it hard to accept compliments (when you’ve spent most of your life carrying other people’s opinions of you & in time, those words ended up becoming ingrained in your mind)- I’m talking about childhood/teens/young adult years.


l went through mild depression last Summer.

And when I was told “you need to focus on yourself”. The concept seemed unfamiliar to me *at the time*.

However, the less I tried to keep up with the latest Spiritual videos/info. The lighter I felt.

My intuition became stronger, heightened & more on point.

I didn’t need to know everything as I knew what I needed to know would come to me at the right time.

And when it would come I would understand the lesson/term instantly.

Spirituality isn’t a race/peddlestool.

When you realise everything is Within You.

That’s when the manifestation magic will happen.

Allowing yourself to feel your emotions is another concept.

Some of us may have been raised in a society where crying/deeply feeling our emotions was seen as a sign of weakness/sensitivity.

“Crying doesn’t change anything”.

When in fact it does.

It releases built up tension from the body. Whereas if it was not released, it would manifest into a physical symptom within the body (in forms of tension/stiffness).

I can’t stress this enough.

Whenever you feel your emotions, make sure you don’t hurt another.

Feel the emotion. And if you choose to deeply feel it, get to the root. Allow yourself to cry & reflect.
Then comfort yourself & release.


Congratulations you’ve just taken a step to healing.

This is how evolution happens.

By healing ourselves first.

Then over time. Others pick up on that energy (whether consciously or subconsciously).

Then that energy is passed on & on & on. To the next person & so on.

That is how you can shift the entire collective consciousness of Humanity.

It all starts from within.

And for me one of the biggest obstacles/lessons I went through was BELIEVING I can/could.

Believing in myself.
Loving myself wholeheartedly.
Truly forgiving myself.
Deeply feeling any emotions that came up, being unafraid of going deeper to the root (emotion/thought). And allowing myself to cry & release.

Allowing my Divine Feminine (attitude/nature) to come to the surface when she’d been so heavily protected by my Divine Masculine side (protecting myself from feeling vulnerable).

Some of us are taught be kind to others, yet they also forgot to add *BE KIND TO YOURSELF*.

Since when was self care seen as selfish?.

As I know from personal past experience, trying to juggle everything & keep everyone happy (the family circle & other outer circles- friends/collaeges etc). Trying to keep everyone happy (people pleasing) is a mine field & eventually may lead to burn out (feeling overwhelmed, tired, exhausted & sometimes even resentful).

Me time/self care time is a much needed necessity.

Each of us is on our own Spiritual Awakening Evolutionary Journey.

How someone else does things, may be totally different to how you do things.

We all learn something new from each other. Even when in the moment you may not understand the lesson/blessing.

For me, I found myself.

My true self.

Who I came here to BE.

I’m wearing florals/dresses.
I’m feeling free.
I dyed my hair raspberry pink *ffs 🤣*.

Yeah, a year ago. I had no idea what I was doing.

But I do now.

And the more I tune in & trust my intuition.
The clearer the path becomes.
The calmer my breathing is & the free-ier my footsteps feel.

There’s no straight line/fast track to 5D.

Everything is Within & it all starts at home.

Your Soul.
Your Body.
Your Mind.
Your Thoughts.
Your Emotions.
Your Actions.

You are the Master of your own life.
Your path is your own.
And while we may encounter beautiful souls on our path (some may stay & some may leave).
Ultimately the Spiritual Awakening Evolutionary Journey is YOUR OWN.

Everything starts from Within You..

Be Kind to yourself.
There’s no rush.
A Spiritual Awakening Evolutionary Journey isn’t a race.
And each of us will get there in our own divine timing.

Keep going.

Wherever you are in the world/Great Mother Gaia. I hope you have a blessed day/night.


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