Scorpio Rising Blog 23/04/2024

Feels like ages since I last blogged. And with the Full Moon (in Scorpio). I felt the urge. As some of you already know, I’ve spent the last 6months in solitude (creating & intentionally manifesting). I also found myself in the process. The last week I’ve ventured out with the intention of finding my soulContinue reading “Scorpio Rising Blog 23/04/2024”

Death & Rebirth Blog 09/11/2023

I felt to write this. When I first started my Spiritual Awakening Evolutionary Journey. I had a dream one night. In the dream I was told ‘I had to die’. In the dream I gave a nervous laugh like ‘what?’. Upon awakening & replaying the dream in my head that day. It did concern me.Continue reading “Death & Rebirth Blog 09/11/2023”

What A Week Of Healing Blog 25/06/2023

What a Wave of a week. Stepping into the past week, I felt apprehensive & sensitive. Due to the feel-in-g of people pleasing (seeing people I didn’t get a good vibe from before, yet seeing them again due to people pleasing) like I had to be a good host. Those vibes were picked up fromContinue reading “What A Week Of Healing Blog 25/06/2023”

No Set Path Blog 09/06/2023

*I highly recommend Anastasia’s Evolution song. The song popped into my head just as I was finishing off the blog*. Over the last few years since I started my Spiritual Awakening Evolutionary Journey. The most profound thing I have come to learn is. There is no straight/set path to 5D (the 5D New Earth Timeline).Continue reading “No Set Path Blog 09/06/2023”

The March Tower Blog 16/03/2023

I’m at a tower moment in my life where I know what I don’t want. Yet it’s hard to put into words & express what i do want. I know my job was exactly what I was looking for last year due to the hours & timings. However I didn’t realise until recently how muchContinue reading “The March Tower Blog 16/03/2023”

Pendulum Paradox Blog 07/02/2023

Today before work I was googling about because i was curious in regards to my age & the menstrual cycle. And it got me seriously thinking. Yes I would love another child or 2. But not in this world with the current system. My minds been swinging lately between home schooling & nursery. And honestlyContinue reading “Pendulum Paradox Blog 07/02/2023”

With Each Beat Blog 16/12/2022

I felt the urge to write this blog. As some know I have been feeling anxious these last couple of weeks. Now some may be asking… “What have you got to be anxious about?”. Like it’s become a competition or you’ve possibly felt your thoughts/feelings are irrational when compared to someone else’s life. At timesContinue reading “With Each Beat Blog 16/12/2022”

The Mirrored Cycle Blog 15/10/2022

Some may be happy to hear that i actually put pen to paper before wrote this blog. This blog is a minimised version of what i wrote down in my own personal journal. So this past week i felt triggered by feel-in-g I’d been relied upon too much. These last few days have only cementedContinue reading “The Mirrored Cycle Blog 15/10/2022”

The Spiritual Spiral Blog 06/10/2022

Quick blog in these beautiful sunrise early moments. I popped onto social media & someone had shared a link to a channel. I checked it out thinking maybe it would be informative & helping others. However what i found triggered me (pissed me off). What i thought/hoped would be an informative & helpful channel. ActuallyContinue reading “The Spiritual Spiral Blog 06/10/2022”

Light Shift Blog 26/09/2022

Can you feel it?. The lightness in the air. The warrior’s triumphant roar. The buzz. The feel-in-g to celebrate & dance from Dusk til Dawn. I feel there has been a Shift. For all those who have……. Worked through & enlightened their Shadow (shadow work). Dived deep within their inner healing. Battled & swam throughContinue reading “Light Shift Blog 26/09/2022”