Rest & Reflection Blog 12/01/2024

Hi BEautiful BEings. I haven’t blogged in a while. In fact this is the 1st blog of 2024. In truth I’ve been hibernating alot lately. I’ve been focusing on my healing & setting boundaries. Very few have seen me since the start of 2024. And deep down I know that theme will be happening moreContinue reading “Rest & Reflection Blog 12/01/2024”

The Last 7/8Days Blog 14/01/2023

So as many of you might be wondering……. ‘Where’s she gone? Where’s the next blog?’. Well here’s blog number 2 of today. As some of you may be aware, I’ve been struggling with anxiety for the past 3years (heart palpations which triggered the anxiety). Well you’ll be pleased to know I haven’t touched the prescribedContinue reading “The Last 7/8Days Blog 14/01/2023”

The 10year/Stepping Into 2023 Blog

Happy New Year. As some may know I’ve been taking some time out over the festive period to sort myself out & come back into alignment. 2022 was a year of lessons, blessings & evolving for me. I learned so much (from letting people go, to moments of feeling lost/solitude, to finding my power &Continue reading “The 10year/Stepping Into 2023 Blog”