Bittersweet Cycle Blog 18-19/01/2024

I wrote this blog latsnight on 18/01/2024. There is also an added section from today’s blog that I also felt to write. -*-*-*-*- As some may know, I set a boundary & distanced myself from some at the end of December 2023 for my own mental & emotional wellbeing. 3weeks past by. However I reachedContinue reading “Bittersweet Cycle Blog 18-19/01/2024”

What A Week Of Healing Blog 25/06/2023

What a Wave of a week. Stepping into the past week, I felt apprehensive & sensitive. Due to the feel-in-g of people pleasing (seeing people I didn’t get a good vibe from before, yet seeing them again due to people pleasing) like I had to be a good host. Those vibes were picked up fromContinue reading “What A Week Of Healing Blog 25/06/2023”

The 10year/Stepping Into 2023 Blog

Happy New Year. As some may know I’ve been taking some time out over the festive period to sort myself out & come back into alignment. 2022 was a year of lessons, blessings & evolving for me. I learned so much (from letting people go, to moments of feeling lost/solitude, to finding my power &Continue reading “The 10year/Stepping Into 2023 Blog”

With Each Beat Blog 16/12/2022

I felt the urge to write this blog. As some know I have been feeling anxious these last couple of weeks. Now some may be asking… “What have you got to be anxious about?”. Like it’s become a competition or you’ve possibly felt your thoughts/feelings are irrational when compared to someone else’s life. At timesContinue reading “With Each Beat Blog 16/12/2022”

Film- Drop Dead Fred, Inner Child & Anxiety Blog 08/12/2022

I remember fondly watching a film called….. Drop Dead Fred. It was a childhood favourite & is still one of my favourites to this day. Whilst I was connecting & inner talking to my inner child earlier I had a realisation. The film Drop Dead Fred starring Rik Mayall is about the inner child. TheContinue reading “Film- Drop Dead Fred, Inner Child & Anxiety Blog 08/12/2022”

Another Moment Shifted Blog 22/11/2022

So I had an interesting chat with my inner child whilst hoovering at 4am. I realised how much I’d let other people’s opinions affect me mentally (no matter how many years had drifted by). Memories of school were popping up in those early morning moments. Memories of being told to be nice to people atContinue reading “Another Moment Shifted Blog 22/11/2022”

Uncovering In Each Moment 26/10/2022

*I started this blog in the early moments of my day. If it goes off track slightly it’s because energies have shifted πŸ’–* I’m having a bit of duality today. Whilst the early moment walk was beautiful. I’ve also revisited a trigger from a few weeks ago. It’s still simmering under the surface as thereContinue reading “Uncovering In Each Moment 26/10/2022”

Spiritual Female Cycle 06/10/2022

This evening i started to feel low in myself. Now over the past few months whenever those low self doubt emotions pop up i always look for the lesson (not the ‘woe is me, why is this happening?’). However this particular cycle is more in tune with my body (ladies you’ll know what cycle I’mContinue reading “Spiritual Female Cycle 06/10/2022”

The Spiritual Spiral Blog 06/10/2022

Quick blog in these beautiful sunrise early moments. I popped onto social media & someone had shared a link to a channel. I checked it out thinking maybe it would be informative & helping others. However what i found triggered me (pissed me off). What i thought/hoped would be an informative & helpful channel. ActuallyContinue reading “The Spiritual Spiral Blog 06/10/2022”

Stepping Stone Blog 18/09/2022

Lying here in bed contemplating my Spiritual Awakening Journey. I remember when i 1st awoke that i used to follow a few channels on social media. And when i say i used to follow them, i used to watch their new release videos every week & even had reminders set. However over the course ofContinue reading “Stepping Stone Blog 18/09/2022”