Tower Moment/Reflection Blog 04/02/2022

*I started writing this early this morning. The xxxxxxxxxxxxx line is the part i added this evening.* I was going to do a video on this but thought I’d write instead. Some might come to a point in their lives where it feels like people are drifting away. Or you might be feeling like aContinue reading “Tower Moment/Reflection Blog 04/02/2022”

Past Vs Future (Questions) Blog 31/01/2022

In my mid 30s I’ve realised alot. I’ve also got a few regrets, mistakes & chances i didn’t take. In hindsight there’s so much i would of done differently. Honestly my main 2 regrets are…………. 1) not saying yes to the crush i had in school & taking that chance.And2) not ending a bad relationshipContinue reading “Past Vs Future (Questions) Blog 31/01/2022”

Reflecting Blog 23/01/2022

Felt the urge to write………. Do you ever sit back & take a long look at your life. Only to fully understand why things turned out the way they did?. I’ve spent the last few days looking back & deep thinking over a few things that didn’t work out. I went through a few daysContinue reading “Reflecting Blog 23/01/2022”