Fully Embracing Who I AM Blog 01/05/2022

Last few days I’ve been experiencing stomach aches (See the image regarding stomach pains from Julia Cannon’s Soul Speak book). Yesterday i was having abit of a wobble (overthinking if i was a friend or just an acquaintance to someone in my life). It reminded me of a chat i had with one of myContinue reading “Fully Embracing Who I AM Blog 01/05/2022”

Websites/Apps *Will Keep Updated* Blog 12/04/2022

Thought I’d write a quick reference blog. *I OWN NONE OF THESE WEBSITES* I will update this blog with more useful websites//apps as & when. So please keep a look out. If you’d like to add a few sites which you recommend please feel free to do so in the comments section (Please note iContinue reading “Websites/Apps *Will Keep Updated* Blog 12/04/2022”

Message to self Blog 07/04/2022

Message to self. Overthinking is what is bringing you unhappiness. You have a tendency to overthink certain situations (dreams, how loved one’s might react etc). It’s time to let go & go with the flow. You can only control how YOU react & how YOU respond. You’ve wasted so many years overthinking & in doingContinue reading “Message to self Blog 07/04/2022”

Rest & Recharge Blog 04/03/2022

Lastnight i was feeling unwell.I needed rest.I needed to switch off.I needed my body to recuperate & heal.I needed sleep. I was sitting in my car lastnight & these lyrics popped into my head. I wanna go to bed.And i wanna cry.I want to get rid of this last bit of fear.I feel inside. IContinue reading “Rest & Recharge Blog 04/03/2022”

Forgiveness Blog 02/03/2022

Felt the urge to write this blog (I’ve also written in my diary/journal today before i decided to write this blog). As I’ve been feeling like this the past week. The last few days/past week I’ve been kicking my own arse for having negative thoughts/feelings in the past. For looking back & being my ownContinue reading “Forgiveness Blog 02/03/2022”

An Answered Question/Depression Blog 27/02/2022

I was asked a question. “How much effort do you put into creating such a wonderful informed website?”. The truth is some of the songs/poems were wrote in my early teen years. I merely dug out old song/poem books from my youth, decided which ones to put on the website & publish them. The hopeContinue reading “An Answered Question/Depression Blog 27/02/2022”

Memories & Emotions Blog 23/02/2022

Everyone’s got a version of you in their head. You’ve even got a version if how you see yourself. Which most people don’t know about. The best thing is people sometimes don’t know who you really are. They might have memories of you, heard hearsay/gossip. Even someone really close to you doesn’t know 100% ofContinue reading “Memories & Emotions Blog 23/02/2022”

5D/New Earth Dreaming Blog 21/02/2022

The last few days…… I’ve been drawn to the film……… FERNGULLY The Last Rainforest. I’ve been listening to the soundtrack on Spotify. Memories of being a kid & watching it in wonder. Connecting with my inner child (listening to music from my childhood/teen years). Imagining what the world would be like if we all livedContinue reading “5D/New Earth Dreaming Blog 21/02/2022”

Powerful Blog 18/02/2022

Listening to the storm………How powerful & creative Mother Gaia is……The wonder & beauty all around us. We currently have powercuts where i am. Yet i am enjoying the peace & silence of no tv & no technology. Just as Mother Gaia is unleashing a storm. Remember you too hold power. Clear your mind.Be still inContinue reading “Powerful Blog 18/02/2022”

Insight/Hindsight Blog 06/02/2022

*I feel i was guided to write this today. A loved one appeared in a dream lastnight. I have a feeling someone might need to see this. I could be wrong. Only take what resonates.* Waking up from a dream where loved ones appear….. Do you ever just sit & think…….. I wish you wereContinue reading “Insight/Hindsight Blog 06/02/2022”