Scorpio Rising Blog 23/04/2024

Feels like ages since I last blogged. And with the Full Moon (in Scorpio). I felt the urge. As some of you already know, I’ve spent the last 6months in solitude (creating & intentionally manifesting). I also found myself in the process. The last week I’ve ventured out with the intention of finding my soulContinue reading “Scorpio Rising Blog 23/04/2024”

Simply Chilling Blog 25/07/2022

Hiya everyone. I know i haven’t blogged in a while. I’ve been taking time out to get to know myself. Hibernating so to speak. I’ve had a few rocky moments where my frustration would come through, yet I’ve also seen some wonderful sights whilst travelling in Great Mother Gaia. Moments similar to an up &Continue reading “Simply Chilling Blog 25/07/2022”

I Found *ME* Blog 23/06/2022

Lying here just back from holiday. Trying to figure out how to word this blog………. It’s like……… When you go on holiday for a week………. You go feel-in-g lost……. You spend some time in your head figuring things out…….. You have amazing moments (swimming whilst bonfire heart by James Blunt is playing & you’re soContinue reading “I Found *ME* Blog 23/06/2022”

The Break Through Blog 03/06/2022

Sitting here listening to 90s music. Feeling INsightful. As you Grow & Evolve. You’ll step into many different versions of yourself. You’ll keep some qualities & you’ll leave behind what no longer aligns with you/your path/where you’re going. I’ve been looking back at different past versions of me for a while (& at times iContinue reading “The Break Through Blog 03/06/2022”

Fully Embracing Who I AM Blog 01/05/2022

Last few days I’ve been experiencing stomach aches (See the image regarding stomach pains from Julia Cannon’s Soul Speak book). Yesterday i was having abit of a wobble (overthinking if i was a friend or just an acquaintance to someone in my life). It reminded me of a chat i had with one of myContinue reading “Fully Embracing Who I AM Blog 01/05/2022”

Grateful Moments Blog 29/04/2022

Noticed a few moments that made me smile over the last few days. I was out shopping & i heard an elderly couple talking. They were talking about honey. The wife said she needed to get some with some jam. And her husband replied that he’d already put it in the trolley. He held ontoContinue reading “Grateful Moments Blog 29/04/2022”

Past, Simply BEing & Future Blog 17/04/2022

This weekend. I’ve travelled back 10years. To a time where i thought i wouldn’t make it (old wounds & past pain resurfaced). I went back to my childhood years reminiscing about old childhood shows i used to watch. To name a few. *Get Your Own Back.*The Queen’s Nose.*The Wild House.*Fun House.* Bodger & Badger.*Diggit.*The AnimalsContinue reading “Past, Simply BEing & Future Blog 17/04/2022”

Memories & Emotions Blog 23/02/2022

Everyone’s got a version of you in their head. You’ve even got a version if how you see yourself. Which most people don’t know about. The best thing is people sometimes don’t know who you really are. They might have memories of you, heard hearsay/gossip. Even someone really close to you doesn’t know 100% ofContinue reading “Memories & Emotions Blog 23/02/2022”

Mixed Topics (Dreams, Twin Flame, 22/02/2022 etc) Blog 23/02/2022

Special dreams. I was visited in lastnights dream by a loved one. In the dream she told me she can feel if I’m happy or sad. That heaven is a beautiful place. In the dream i told her to visit 1 of her sons. Then i got emotional in the dream. I woke up feelingContinue reading “Mixed Topics (Dreams, Twin Flame, 22/02/2022 etc) Blog 23/02/2022”