Memories & Emotions Blog 23/02/2022

Everyone’s got a version of you in their head. You’ve even got a version if how you see yourself. Which most people don’t know about. The best thing is people sometimes don’t know who you really are. They might have memories of you, heard hearsay/gossip. Even someone really close to you doesn’t know 100% ofContinue reading “Memories & Emotions Blog 23/02/2022”

Past Vs Future (Questions) Blog 31/01/2022

In my mid 30s I’ve realised alot. I’ve also got a few regrets, mistakes & chances i didn’t take. In hindsight there’s so much i would of done differently. Honestly my main 2 regrets are…………. 1) not saying yes to the crush i had in school & taking that chance.And2) not ending a bad relationshipContinue reading “Past Vs Future (Questions) Blog 31/01/2022”