Evolving In Each Moment Blog 07/09/2022

Whilst i was driving this came to me. Your belief in your self needs to be stronger than anyone else’s opinions of you. Whether that be past or present opinions. You need to fully allow yourself to believe in yourself above all adversities or perceptions. You deserve to be happy. You are allowed time toContinue reading “Evolving In Each Moment Blog 07/09/2022”

Fully Embracing Who I AM Blog 01/05/2022

Last few days I’ve been experiencing stomach aches (See the image regarding stomach pains from Julia Cannon’s Soul Speak book). Yesterday i was having abit of a wobble (overthinking if i was a friend or just an acquaintance to someone in my life). It reminded me of a chat i had with one of myContinue reading “Fully Embracing Who I AM Blog 01/05/2022”

This One’s For You *K.E* Blog 08/04/2022

*I felt inspired to write this blog after speaking to an old friend. You amazingly beautiful crazy warrior woman. I’ve got your back. I love you K* P.s- this goes out to all my loved ones also. You know who you are xxxxx When i say to someone (a friend/loved one)……… I’ve got your back.Continue reading “This One’s For You *K.E* Blog 08/04/2022”