Stepping Stone Blog 18/09/2022

Lying here in bed contemplating my Spiritual Awakening Journey. I remember when i 1st awoke that i used to follow a few channels on social media. And when i say i used to follow them, i used to watch their new release videos every week & even had reminders set. However over the course ofContinue reading “Stepping Stone Blog 18/09/2022”

Dedicated To 6 Special Ladies Blog 14/08/2022

*I’m not sure if any of you BEautiful BEings will see this but i just wanted to let you know. I think about each of you & i hope your own journeys are going well. I feel many have been healing, shifting & transforming in solitude (i feel to say even mental solitude when aroundContinue reading “Dedicated To 6 Special Ladies Blog 14/08/2022”

Quick Instagram Soul Level Blog 14/08/2022

I See You dear one. I know you’ve been working diligently & hard on yourself behind the solitude & isolation. Transforming & changing the popping up negative energies within you as well as the chaos in the world & Evolving them into something beautiful, light & dazzling. I know you feel just as you’ve clearedContinue reading “Quick Instagram Soul Level Blog 14/08/2022”

I NEED YOU Blog 28/07/2022

I need you to keep going.I know you’re tired.I know you’ve had enough.I know you look to the night sky.See the stars shining brightly & have the longing lingering urge to go home.I know some days can feel like an endless spinning of Groundhog Day moments.I know you long for the sound of silence notContinue reading “I NEED YOU Blog 28/07/2022”

Update Current Energies/Shift Blog 30/05/2022

Been meaning to write this for a while………. The Shift IS Happening. Some of you may be feeling like things are coming to an end. You might be drifting apart from friends & family. What you used to like doing, no longer makes you happy anymore. You’re noticing how vibrant the colours of the cloudsContinue reading “Update Current Energies/Shift Blog 30/05/2022”

Thank You For The Chat Blog 29/05/2022

I’ve just had a beautiful chat with someone i haven’t spoken to in a while. I was told something that would of normally triggered me into making a phone call, asking questions & trying to arrange plans (old behavioural patterns). However today, in that moment, i took a step back & observed. I was essentiallyContinue reading “Thank You For The Chat Blog 29/05/2022”

Hey, Welcome Back Blog 21/05/2022

It’s weird that i knew the blog title before writing the blog πŸ˜† Over the last few months I’ve had dreams. Dreams where I’ve met people from my past. Unawakened me years ago would see it as a sign to reach out to the person. A majority of the time, it backfired & i foundContinue reading “Hey, Welcome Back Blog 21/05/2022”

It All Starts Within Blog 07/05/2022

Whilst driving home today, i had a thought pop into my head. 5D is a state of BEing. Starseed. You are the Seed from the Stars. Reincarnated on Great Mother Gaia to grow, change & Evolve. In doing so as you change, so too does the world around you. It all starts Within. Trust yourself.Continue reading “It All Starts Within Blog 07/05/2022”

Fully Embracing Who I AM Blog 01/05/2022

Last few days I’ve been experiencing stomach aches (See the image regarding stomach pains from Julia Cannon’s Soul Speak book). Yesterday i was having abit of a wobble (overthinking if i was a friend or just an acquaintance to someone in my life). It reminded me of a chat i had with one of myContinue reading “Fully Embracing Who I AM Blog 01/05/2022”

An Answered Question/Depression Blog 27/02/2022

I was asked a question. “How much effort do you put into creating such a wonderful informed website?”. The truth is some of the songs/poems were wrote in my early teen years. I merely dug out old song/poem books from my youth, decided which ones to put on the website & publish them. The hopeContinue reading “An Answered Question/Depression Blog 27/02/2022”