Instagram Mini Blog 17/07/2022

When i was advised to Focus On Myself a month ago. I really didn’t like it. I went through feel-in-gs of…. Sadness.Loss.Loneliness.Isolation.Mild depression.Up & down moods.Grief at evolving connections. I went through a few moments of abandonment (& that’s when the ‘Victimhood’ persona/shadow was screaming in my face). I genuinely felt lost & deeply alone.Continue reading “Instagram Mini Blog 17/07/2022”

Thank You For The Chat Blog 29/05/2022

I’ve just had a beautiful chat with someone i haven’t spoken to in a while. I was told something that would of normally triggered me into making a phone call, asking questions & trying to arrange plans (old behavioural patterns). However today, in that moment, i took a step back & observed. I was essentiallyContinue reading “Thank You For The Chat Blog 29/05/2022”

Hey, Welcome Back Blog 21/05/2022

It’s weird that i knew the blog title before writing the blog πŸ˜† Over the last few months I’ve had dreams. Dreams where I’ve met people from my past. Unawakened me years ago would see it as a sign to reach out to the person. A majority of the time, it backfired & i foundContinue reading “Hey, Welcome Back Blog 21/05/2022”

Fully Embracing Who I AM Blog 01/05/2022

Last few days I’ve been experiencing stomach aches (See the image regarding stomach pains from Julia Cannon’s Soul Speak book). Yesterday i was having abit of a wobble (overthinking if i was a friend or just an acquaintance to someone in my life). It reminded me of a chat i had with one of myContinue reading “Fully Embracing Who I AM Blog 01/05/2022”

Message to self Blog 07/04/2022

Message to self. Overthinking is what is bringing you unhappiness. You have a tendency to overthink certain situations (dreams, how loved one’s might react etc). It’s time to let go & go with the flow. You can only control how YOU react & how YOU respond. You’ve wasted so many years overthinking & in doingContinue reading “Message to self Blog 07/04/2022”

An Answered Question/Depression Blog 27/02/2022

I was asked a question. “How much effort do you put into creating such a wonderful informed website?”. The truth is some of the songs/poems were wrote in my early teen years. I merely dug out old song/poem books from my youth, decided which ones to put on the website & publish them. The hopeContinue reading “An Answered Question/Depression Blog 27/02/2022”