Bridges & Boundaries Blog 29/10/2022

This past month I’ve found I’ve triggered a few people as well as felt triggered myself. I stopped saying Yes (people pleasing). And started saying No (laying boundaries). I’ve also felt triggered myself several times this month. I know I’m constantly evolving in each moment. And in doing so shedding behavioural patterns & breaking cycles.Continue reading “Bridges & Boundaries Blog 29/10/2022”

Instagram Mini Blog 17/07/2022

When i was advised to Focus On Myself a month ago. I really didn’t like it. I went through feel-in-gs of…. Sadness.Loss.Loneliness.Isolation.Mild depression.Up & down moods.Grief at evolving connections. I went through a few moments of abandonment (& that’s when the ‘Victimhood’ persona/shadow was screaming in my face). I genuinely felt lost & deeply alone.Continue reading “Instagram Mini Blog 17/07/2022”

Music Playing = I’M Working Blog 08/06/2022

Many may know the feeling……… Driving.Music playing.Shifting gears faster without thinking.Focused.Auto pilot.Thinking………… Some may have even felt so in the zone that colours start to appear. Some may feel they got to their destination faster than what they originally thought/planned. For me……… It’s a regular occurrence. Driving is where i do most of my thinking,Continue reading “Music Playing = I’M Working Blog 08/06/2022”

Fully Embracing Who I AM Blog 01/05/2022

Last few days I’ve been experiencing stomach aches (See the image regarding stomach pains from Julia Cannon’s Soul Speak book). Yesterday i was having abit of a wobble (overthinking if i was a friend or just an acquaintance to someone in my life). It reminded me of a chat i had with one of myContinue reading “Fully Embracing Who I AM Blog 01/05/2022”

Message to self Blog 07/04/2022

Message to self. Overthinking is what is bringing you unhappiness. You have a tendency to overthink certain situations (dreams, how loved one’s might react etc). It’s time to let go & go with the flow. You can only control how YOU react & how YOU respond. You’ve wasted so many years overthinking & in doingContinue reading “Message to self Blog 07/04/2022”

An Answered Question/Depression Blog 27/02/2022

I was asked a question. “How much effort do you put into creating such a wonderful informed website?”. The truth is some of the songs/poems were wrote in my early teen years. I merely dug out old song/poem books from my youth, decided which ones to put on the website & publish them. The hopeContinue reading “An Answered Question/Depression Blog 27/02/2022”

Rise Warrior Poem 26/02/2022

I’m seeing changes.I don’t want to see.I’m seeing compromised immune systems,From friends & family.Years taken, in the blink of an eye.Believing the media.That are paid to lie.Years full on.Pumped out fear.Blaring through the tvs.And spreading from ear to ear.Separation.Lonely & isolating segregation.Vax on parade.Get them in, shoot em up & get them out.Millions protesting inContinue reading “Rise Warrior Poem 26/02/2022”

Memories & Emotions Blog 23/02/2022

Everyone’s got a version of you in their head. You’ve even got a version if how you see yourself. Which most people don’t know about. The best thing is people sometimes don’t know who you really are. They might have memories of you, heard hearsay/gossip. Even someone really close to you doesn’t know 100% ofContinue reading “Memories & Emotions Blog 23/02/2022”

Mixed Topics (Dreams, Twin Flame, 22/02/2022 etc) Blog 23/02/2022

Special dreams. I was visited in lastnights dream by a loved one. In the dream she told me she can feel if I’m happy or sad. That heaven is a beautiful place. In the dream i told her to visit 1 of her sons. Then i got emotional in the dream. I woke up feelingContinue reading “Mixed Topics (Dreams, Twin Flame, 22/02/2022 etc) Blog 23/02/2022”

Stress….. What’s the f**king point Blog 08/02/2022

Sitting here……. Thinking……. As we go through the school years. Some are told to stand up for themselves. “Stand your ground”, “Stand up for yourself”. Like everytime there’s a confrontation We’re expected to rise, show up & stand our ground. Yet it isn’t until some years later that we realise we didn’t have to showContinue reading “Stress….. What’s the f**king point Blog 08/02/2022”