21st/23rd Blog

*I wrote this on 21/02/2023. On the day the experience happened* So…….. I had a panic attack earlier (due to feeling an intense heart palpation). My heart is fine. It’s crazy how it was caused due to walking into a hot office environment. All I could think was “I need to get back to myContinue reading “21st/23rd Blog”

Evolved *ALOT of Swearing* Blog 30/01/2023

*Contains alot of swearing* Sitting here & felt inspired to blog. I’ve learnt a lot these past few years & especially this past month. I’m beginning to fully know & realise. Who was there for me.Who was there for that chapter.& Who never was there for me. It really hit me hard over the lastContinue reading “Evolved *ALOT of Swearing* Blog 30/01/2023”

Breakdown -to- Breakthrough Blog 06/01/2023

It takes me a long time til I feel I’ve reached that breaking point. I go a while facing ups & downs. Building myself back together piece by piece each time. Tonight I’ve reached that breaking point.I found a corner of my front room where I can hide, cuddled a pillow & cried my eyesContinue reading “Breakdown -to- Breakthrough Blog 06/01/2023”

Reflecting On Yesterday’s Moments 13/12/2022

Whilst I’m lying in bed.Comfy & cosy.I feel to reflect on yesterday’s moments. I woke up.Got dressed.Headed out on a walk to see how bad the ice/snow was to drive in.Cleared the snow off my car.Went to work.Heart palpitation.Anxiety triggered.Finished work.Came home.Rang NHS.Call back go to A&E.Was seen & ecg done.Went to ACU.Bloods taken.Red facedContinue reading “Reflecting On Yesterday’s Moments 13/12/2022”

A Week Of Realisation Blog 03/12/2022

So I’ve had a mad week. Where midway through I ended up breaking down in tears as I felt so overwhelmed & it felt like my brain was fried. Trying to work out calculations whilst your brain is repeatedly saying ‘no we aren’t doing this. This isn’t my area of expertise’ and repeatedly going throughContinue reading “A Week Of Realisation Blog 03/12/2022”

Crying & Clearing Blog 28/10/2022

Today I’ve had alot on my mind. I’ve been for a walk in nature & visited 1 of my favourite places. I shook my chakras to try & clear out trapped energy/emotions. I put a drop of DoTerra OnGuard essential oil on my hands & inhaled (please speak to a DoTerra representative before using). NowContinue reading “Crying & Clearing Blog 28/10/2022”

Brutally Honest Healing Poems & 3 Day Blog 11/07/2022

***********Poem-1************ I’ve been……..Colouring.Painting.Drawing.Writing.Yet no matter what i do.I can’t seem to out run the feeling.This has been 1 of the lowest moments.I’ve experienced.No number of distractions.Are kick starting the healing.I’m stone faced.Blank.Numb.I’ve had many moments, yet i can’t seem to shift this one.Lost.Can’t seem to find my way.Circle after cycle.Can’t seem to navigate myself evenContinue reading “Brutally Honest Healing Poems & 3 Day Blog 11/07/2022”

Please Poem 08/06/2022

Please don’t give up on me.Don’t let go just yet.I’m going through a change right now.Another me i haven’t met.I’m sorry I’ve annoyed you.By going round & round.It must be really frustrating for all my ups & downs (yo-yo).You see i look upto you.In all your light & grace.You always have a warm glow.A smileContinue reading “Please Poem 08/06/2022”

Rest & Recharge Blog 04/03/2022

Lastnight i was feeling unwell.I needed rest.I needed to switch off.I needed my body to recuperate & heal.I needed sleep. I was sitting in my car lastnight & these lyrics popped into my head. I wanna go to bed.And i wanna cry.I want to get rid of this last bit of fear.I feel inside. IContinue reading “Rest & Recharge Blog 04/03/2022”

Tears Like Raindrops Blog 24/02/2022

It’s grey & heavy rain today….. Yet just as each raindrop falls. I understand every beat it leaves on the ground. I can resonate with todays weather/earthly feel where i am in the world/Great Mother Gaia. You could say I’m crying along with the rain today. I woke up not feeling myself.I woke up feelingContinue reading “Tears Like Raindrops Blog 24/02/2022”