Insight/Hindsight Blog 06/02/2022

*I feel i was guided to write this today. A loved one appeared in a dream lastnight. I have a feeling someone might need to see this. I could be wrong. Only take what resonates.* Waking up from a dream where loved ones appear….. Do you ever just sit & think…….. I wish you wereContinue reading “Insight/Hindsight Blog 06/02/2022”

Tower Moment/Reflection Blog 04/02/2022

*I started writing this early this morning. The xxxxxxxxxxxxx line is the part i added this evening.* I was going to do a video on this but thought I’d write instead. Some might come to a point in their lives where it feels like people are drifting away. Or you might be feeling like aContinue reading “Tower Moment/Reflection Blog 04/02/2022”

Reflection Poem 30/01/2022

Finally……..After 30 odd years.Finally happy in my own skin.After all the stretch marks & the tears.My body is beautiful & it’s perfect for me.I’m embracing every past insecurity.Size 12 -14, I’ve got a little wiggle on my hips.Every little detail, is a reminder of the years.Teeth aren’t straight, but i really don’t care.Long gone areContinue reading “Reflection Poem 30/01/2022”

Another Year Older Poem 30/01/2022

Another year older.Another year wiser.Although the past week, i felt like a failure.So many times.We compare our lives to others.So many times.We’ve raced eachother.In truth the paths we take, are never ever straight.They wind, they twist, they turn.Sometimes the wrong choices, can leave a mental burn.Sometimes we’re living it up, on a high.Sometimes we hitContinue reading “Another Year Older Poem 30/01/2022”

Reflecting Blog 23/01/2022

Felt the urge to write………. Do you ever sit back & take a long look at your life. Only to fully understand why things turned out the way they did?. I’ve spent the last few days looking back & deep thinking over a few things that didn’t work out. I went through a few daysContinue reading “Reflecting Blog 23/01/2022”

Lost Blog 16/01/2022

Hello Everyone. Sorry haven’t blogged in a few weeks……… I felt the urge to write today (hopefully it might help a few people). Sometimes in life we may feel lost & unsure which direction to go in. Like you’re stuck in the mud or life seems like groundhog day. Same stuff, different day. It’s goingContinue reading “Lost Blog 16/01/2022”

No Fear New Year Blog 03/01/2022

Happy No Fear. (Happy New Year). Sorry it’s taken me a few days to write a new blog. Currently have a fever & throat glands playing up. How is everyone?. On the 1st of January it felt like a shift had taken place. Listening to the birds singing & the atmosphere felt very calm &Continue reading “No Fear New Year Blog 03/01/2022”

Leaving 2021 & Emerging Into 2022 Blog 31/12/2021

Sitting here. Reminiscing about the past year. Many will be thinking of their new year’s resolutions. Whilst i will be making a list of what i wish to release & also what i would like to bring in & evolve into the new year. The last few days I’ve been practicing Detachment. A situation poppedContinue reading “Leaving 2021 & Emerging Into 2022 Blog 31/12/2021”

2Min Pick Me Up Poem 26/12/2021

Oh weary & tired soul.You’ve been through so much.So much pain, frustration & sorrow.So many tears you have weeped.At times, you’ve found it hard to sleep.Mind racing, unable to switch off.Sometimes you’ve wondered, if you’re enough.You go through phases, like the moon at night.Sometimes you wonder, if you’ll win this fight.Sometimes you shed, but aContinue reading “2Min Pick Me Up Poem 26/12/2021”

Captured Memories Poem 23/12/2021

*This poem is dedicated to all my family. Both near & far. Both in person as well in Spirit* Looking back.At these photographs.Feeling the love, & remembering the laughs.The smiles of youth & the grace of the wise.The laughter of picnics, under sunset skies.Happy memories of young & old.Listening to stories of their memories beingContinue reading “Captured Memories Poem 23/12/2021”