Hey, Welcome Back Blog 21/05/2022

It’s weird that i knew the blog title before writing the blog πŸ˜† Over the last few months I’ve had dreams. Dreams where I’ve met people from my past. Unawakened me years ago would see it as a sign to reach out to the person. A majority of the time, it backfired & i foundContinue reading “Hey, Welcome Back Blog 21/05/2022”

It All Starts Within Blog 07/05/2022

Whilst driving home today, i had a thought pop into my head. 5D is a state of BEing. Starseed. You are the Seed from the Stars. Reincarnated on Great Mother Gaia to grow, change & Evolve. In doing so as you change, so too does the world around you. It all starts Within. Trust yourself.Continue reading “It All Starts Within Blog 07/05/2022”

Fully Embracing Who I AM Blog 01/05/2022

Last few days I’ve been experiencing stomach aches (See the image regarding stomach pains from Julia Cannon’s Soul Speak book). Yesterday i was having abit of a wobble (overthinking if i was a friend or just an acquaintance to someone in my life). It reminded me of a chat i had with one of myContinue reading “Fully Embracing Who I AM Blog 01/05/2022”

Message to self Blog 07/04/2022

Message to self. Overthinking is what is bringing you unhappiness. You have a tendency to overthink certain situations (dreams, how loved one’s might react etc). It’s time to let go & go with the flow. You can only control how YOU react & how YOU respond. You’ve wasted so many years overthinking & in doingContinue reading “Message to self Blog 07/04/2022”

Soul Calling……. 07/04/2022

*I felt the urge to write this today & I’m not sure why. Maybe it’s divine timing*. My soul is calling you.From far away.I don’t know who you are.Or if we’re spirituality connected.Somewhere out in the universe long ago.A plan was made.For 2 souls to meet, again for the first time.Drawn together, yet not knowingContinue reading “Soul Calling……. 07/04/2022”

Quick Catch Up Blog 31/03/2022

First blog in a few weeks. This month has been a whirlwind for me. Lots of anxiety popping up & in & out of hospital for 2days (all good). It’s crazy to think that in some situations, that we can forget to breathe. A simple deep breath in & out can calm us instantly. I’veContinue reading “Quick Catch Up Blog 31/03/2022”

Forgiveness Blog 02/03/2022

Felt the urge to write this blog (I’ve also written in my diary/journal today before i decided to write this blog). As I’ve been feeling like this the past week. The last few days/past week I’ve been kicking my own arse for having negative thoughts/feelings in the past. For looking back & being my ownContinue reading “Forgiveness Blog 02/03/2022”

Rise Warrior Poem 26/02/2022

I’m seeing changes.I don’t want to see.I’m seeing compromised immune systems,From friends & family.Years taken, in the blink of an eye.Believing the media.That are paid to lie.Years full on.Pumped out fear.Blaring through the tvs.And spreading from ear to ear.Separation.Lonely & isolating segregation.Vax on parade.Get them in, shoot em up & get them out.Millions protesting inContinue reading “Rise Warrior Poem 26/02/2022”

Memories & Emotions Blog 23/02/2022

Everyone’s got a version of you in their head. You’ve even got a version if how you see yourself. Which most people don’t know about. The best thing is people sometimes don’t know who you really are. They might have memories of you, heard hearsay/gossip. Even someone really close to you doesn’t know 100% ofContinue reading “Memories & Emotions Blog 23/02/2022”

Mixed Topics (Dreams, Twin Flame, 22/02/2022 etc) Blog 23/02/2022

Special dreams. I was visited in lastnights dream by a loved one. In the dream she told me she can feel if I’m happy or sad. That heaven is a beautiful place. In the dream i told her to visit 1 of her sons. Then i got emotional in the dream. I woke up feelingContinue reading “Mixed Topics (Dreams, Twin Flame, 22/02/2022 etc) Blog 23/02/2022”